V/A (effgee / d.m.s. / Lauer / LoYoTo) XXIV - Chapter Three (FATXXIV003)

V/A (effgee / d.m.s. / Lauer / LoYoTo) XXIV - Chapter Three (FATXXIV003)

Regular price €14.50 Sale

Freude am Tanzen is back for a very special occasion. In 2022, three Various Artists EPs will be released, celebrating the 24th anniversary of the label from Thuringia. Whilst occasions like this would normally be celebrated on the quarter century, this release makes sense not only on the mathematical level. 3 compilations with 4 tracks provide the half of 24.
The release however also makes sense in terms of history. Freude am Tanzen is showcasing a broad range of electronic music, never neglecting their history but also looking into the future.